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09APR13: "Penny" month 3... here... in W.Sac... 4 months old today 09APR13 ...BUMMER... no pictures... 10APR13... has the rake going... higher in rear than in front... 12APR13... to the vet... 44.4 pounds, shots, treats... 14MAR13: 6 toes on the rear... 15APR13... 47.5 pounds... no "accident" in the house in what? 30 days... but, she has discovered she can get paws on top of and check out the top of the table and counters... 18,18,18,21APR13... Izzy telling Penny what for... Penny talkig back... 21APR13... 51 pounds... 22APR13: Penny's spiky hair doo... got chicken grease off the bottom of the Webber on the top of her head while she was checking out the good smelling ashes in the Webber's ash tray... Izzy's on break... 23APR13: Penny snuggling with mama... ... Penny peeking over the couch at daddy... ... Penny digging at the bottom of her food bowl... must have more... NOW!!! 25APR13: oooWOOOOF... 25APR13: seen walruses fighting on the beach??? 25APR13: this is the same 1-tile-puppy from last February... 27APR13: Penny is not real sure about the new addition... 28APR13: Penny has an strange and curious habit... when her bowl gets empty... she digs in it... put food in and she goes away... just doesn't want it empty... the .avi movie... click here 29APR13... 54 pounds... 30APR13: FEED ME!!! the .avi movie... click here starting to get slight curls... 03MAY13: big feet... 03MAY13: 56 pounds ... next ... (Month 4, 09MAY13) back to Penny's home page 09FEB13, 10FEB13, 11FEB13,... 12FEB13, 13FEB13, 14FEB13, 15FEB13... Week 2, Week 3, Week 4... Month 2, Month 3, Month 4, Month 5, Month 6... would you like to see my growing pictures?... click here would you like to see my parents?... click here Place cursor over picture, click to enlarge, back to event picture gallery . . . |