9 Part Series: https://go.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/
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Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(January 17th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-1: click here
Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oil
(January 18th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-2: click here
Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow
(January 19th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-3: click here
Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light
(January 20th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-4: click here
Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions
(January 21st, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-5: click here
Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic
(January 22nd, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-6: click here
Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods
(January 23rd, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-7: click here
Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy
(January 24th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-8: click here
Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory
(January 25th, 9:00pm EST US time)
my notes on episode-9: click here
my notes on episode-1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
 ... therearetwowaystobefooled
research the following if you like:
tamoxifin for breast cancer causes cancer
radiation can cause cancer
fitzgerald report
layatril (B-17) from apricot seeds
FDA AMA AmericalCancerSociety influenced by drug cartels
use of dissitant frequency to kill cancer cells
biomedical clinic in tijuana mexico hoxsey treatment
the gerson therapy, max gersin;
tera mann - cancer crackdown
my notes on episode-2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oil
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-2/?...
 ... itseasiertofoolpeople
research the following if you like:
cancer is immune system failure to destroy cancerous cell
18 % related to infection
23 % related to obesity
41 % related to environmental
18 % related to genetic, radiation
besides exercize, walk 2 miles/day
kercumin can supress cancel
7-12 yrs before size that can be detected
mamograms cause cancer
chemo causes cancer
Dr Veronique Desaulniers, D.C.
The Seven Essentials
let food be your medicine
- avoid sugar; sugar feeds cancer
- BPA (in plastic) causes cancer
- essential oils
- india: lemon
- australia: euke
- washington: peppermint
- frankensence, anti inflamitory, anti oxident
- effective for shrinking tumors&against ovarian,colon&brest cancer
- boswailian frankensense very effective for fighting cancer
- diffuse in home, rub on roof of mouth
- effectice against alzheimers or any type of brain inflamation
- 1 drop on tongue and rub on roof of mouth every 2 hours
- myr, works on hyperthalmus & liver.... detox's
- at home body butter & lotion:
10 drops frankensense, 10 drops of myr, coconut oil, shay butter
- rub entire body, especially neck and back of head
- => breathing in aroma fumes
- tumeric or cucumin
- clove oil
- egg plant contains BEC5 (Bill Edward Cham), also in green bell peppers
- destroys skin cell cancers, selectively toxic to cancer cells
- in devil's apple in australia
- when applied wound opens up and is larger than was evident
- after 2 or 3 weeks new skin closes over and maybe even no scar
balance energy
heal emotional wounds
- manage stress, let go of past
biological dentistry
herbs & vitamins
true prevention
- thermography
- detects the blood supply to cancer cells
- blood test
- cancer profile
- measures the hcg hormone
- measures the phi hormone (the malignency hormone)
- TK1 enzyme
- Anka blood test ( Anka blot test?)
benefits of Chaga, gynostemma, Chaparral, black seed oil
these will boost immune system... taking Gynostemma tea
for a few weeks... now havent felt better in years... everyone should take it
my notes on episode-3: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oil
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-3
 ... whoeveriscarelesswiththetruth
research the following if you like:
curcumin - makes radiation more effective
green tea
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.A.C., O.M.D.
wheat grass
- has b-17 in it
4 to 8oz /day
colonix daily
e.g., carrots, cucumbers, celery, ginger, lemon for breakfast
red grapes, citrus fruits, fruits, vegitables, spices
essiac tea
spontaneous remission
organicly grown food:
- no GMOs
- no pesticides
 ... pesticides in urin
Rigvir: virus against cancer (Riga, Latvia)
- a non-mutating virus
- Rigvir viral therapy can target, e.g., melenoma cancer, e.g. in liver
- Rigvir approved for melenoma, but, works on other types of cancer also
Types of cancers (at lest 10 different):
- renal cancer
- breast cancer
- stomach cancer
- lung cancer
- prostate cancer
- brain cancer
International treatment center in Riga, Latvia
my notes on episode-4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with
Sound & Light
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-4
 ... everyviolationoftruth
Digression: Ralph Waldo Emerson also said...
"Once you make a decision, the universe consipires to make it happen."
"For every minute you are angry you loose sixty seconds of happiness."
"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeced."
Would you like to know more? click here, better still, read his essays
He, or was it Henry David Thoreau (they were close friends), who also said
"It's better to loose everyting in a fire than to move twice within a year."
Henry David Thoreau also said...
"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it."
"That government is best that governs least."
"If you have build castles in the air..."
Would you like to know more? click here, better still, read Walden
research the following if you like:
of all medical schools in US less than 1/3 have a single required course in nutrition,
so a Dr can go through 6 yrs of medical school plus residency and never have a course in nutrition
food industry pays no attention to health
health industry pays no attention to food
monosodium glutamate
glutamate can destroy brain cells
every cell in body has glutamate receptor
glutamate receptors stimulate groth of cancer
high level of glutamate stimulates groth of cancer
block glutamate receptor then cancer cells start dying
chemo theropy works better with glutamate blocker
brain needs some glutamate to function
glutamince converts glutamine to glutamae
glutamate blockers
- a bunch of them that do it safely
cancer cells use glucose and glutamine for groth
so cut down on glutamine
but 4,5,10grams glutamine promoted for leaky gut syndrome
but better ways to improve the gi track
foods high in glutamine:
- black beans
- mushrooms
vegetables are low in glutamine
cancer cant use fat for fuel
coconut oil good way to keep energy up w/o sugar
sources of glutamate on lables
- hydrolized protein,...
 ... glutamate sources
in particularly soy which is high is glutamate and glutamine
and is also high in aluminum & flouride & manganese
- in particular liquid products, e.g., soy-milk
- even organic soy
- so, people shouldn't be consuming soy product
impairs immune system
source of sugar matters
- sugar cane: made of glucose which is 50% sucros, 50% fuctros
- high fructos corn syrup feeds cancel cells
- need to stop SPIKES of sugar
- apples, pears good, have hi ratio of froctos to glucose and sucrose
- but have fiber so not so much of a spike
- spikes from candy
white blood cells need 20x more vit C than normal cells
vit C is antioxident
vit C goes into cell same pathway as sugar (or glucose) does, thru insulin
sugar lever up in blood, insulin dumps it into cells
cells have higher affinity for sugar than VitC, so cant get vitC into cell
fasting blood sugar of 120 is pre-diabetic (125 or 6 is diabetic)
bowl of cereal, e.g., cherios, in morning puts blood sugar level above 120 for 4 hours
then sandwich at lunch more carbs
so most people spend 16 hours a day w/reduced immune function
sugar can actually creates cancel cells
a piece of whole wheet breat is == a snickers bar
radioactive glucose for pet scan goes to insulin receptors and into cell shows where cancer is...
natural sugars in fruits and vegetables
- black rasberrys
- figs
- serianam cherrys (dark cherrys)
- red grapes
- mullberries (dark purple)
- reg & green fruits & vegetables
salvestrol works on enzyme system
- natural product in ftuits & vegs, viz., vine ripened
- kills cancer cells
celery kills lung cancer cells
sweet potatoes, pumpkin seeds
sun flower seed sprouts
- grow at 10-20cents/pound
- 30x more nutrient dense than vegitibls
- nuts, beans, eggs
- concentrated nutrition
chaga mushroom (from Russia)
- like curcumin
broccoli sprouts
- in juicers, sprinkle a few on salad
grape ffruit, oragnes
- improves liver functin and detoxification pathways
blood orange
- bioflavinoids, etc, PLUS red pigments,
- is sweet
peaches 2x/week lower brest cancer by 40%
aspertame (nutra sweet)
- carcenogenic
- in diet soda
- devestates the gut
sucraloase also bad
stevia - good stuff
- prevents and reverses cancer
- 200uGrams/day, if cancerous, 1KuGrams or 1.2KuGrams
- 100uGrams/day
prevent metenastasis
silicon or silica
sound and light therapy
Dr Tonee at Hope for Cancer in Tijawana
- sonophotodynamic therapy
- hyperberic oxygen chamber
- far infared & near infared sauna
- drastic change to diet restricting sugar almost completely
- pulse electromagnet frequencies therapy
my notes on episode-5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-5
 ... truthwillultimatelyprevail
research the following if you like:
spine has direct bearing on cancer diagnosis
immune system is most important system for fending off cancer
immune system is comprised of a series of glands and organs
that make the immune response and those glands and organs
are controlled by the nervous system
glands and organs of the immune system:
- thymus, spleen, bone marrow, gut
- majority of immune response comes from the gut
- all rests upon vitality of the nervous system
spine is the tissue that surrounds and protects the spinal cord
supposed to have a structure and any deviation from that structure
interferes with the nervous system's ability to adapt and respond to stress
- stressing more now than ever
- sitting more now
- even if go to gym we're thinking fitness, not thinking structure
pinched nervs in spine simulates fight or flight state so adrenal glands used,
wear those out and go into exhaustion
so exercize, meditation, yoga, don't go to bar
thermography used to look for cancer
every one of 32 spots in jaw are connected to organs in the body w
hether there is a tooth there or not
every filling, root canal, most extractions are done in such a way that
there are toxins left in the jaw bone
e.g., socket may not be cleaned up properly, if tooth is infected then
ligament that attaches tooth to bone and bone surrounding the socket
may not be cleaned, and effects wont go away
there is a direct correlation between root canals and breast cancer
it's been said that dentists are the only doctors that leave dead tissue in the body
when doing a root canal, the pulp tissue has to be sealed off
root canal removes nerve and seal off pulp tissue;
- now dental tubules called canicculi that become dead space once root canal is filled
- then they fill up with anarobic bacteria
so, here's the course:
- tooth goes bad
- voltage drops in that tooth
- when voltage drops then the ph drops
- ph drops then oxidation gots out of the tooth and out of the area
- oxidation drops then the bugs come in and produce enzymes that liquify you
- then the infection goes into blood then into liver
Study in 1923 says root canal will lead to disease, did then and still dose!
Food & Death administration dont get into therapies that cure a lot of things
because that would interrupt the monetary flow...
Bio-Oxidative Therapy to treat disease
introduce ozone or hydrogen peroxide into system to kill pathogens
commmonly done in Europe, England, Switzerland for years
constant infection in mouth leads to cancer
one thing to do is get rid of toxic metals
silver fillings are 40% silver, 10% copper/tin, 50% mercury
outgas from time put in
mercury is toxic to nurological system, the gastro intestinal system, gut (candidous)
affinity for fat tissue, so, goes to brain
- crosses blood-brain barrier and placental barrier
- causes memory loss, fatigue, brain fog
flouride (including flourine)
an excito-nuro toxin, causes cancer, osteosarcoma
flouride calcifies the pineal gland
- then reduces conciousness, makes non-aggressive, makes us docile, controllable,
like zombies litterally
- disrupts metabolism eliments needed for bone growth
- activates osteosarcoma genes, lukemia and& bone based cancers
detoxified iodine
- everyone is low on iodine
- when iodine defficency cancer is one of the consequences
- cancer patients s/b on 10-20uGrams of detoxified iodine/day
- when low cannot fight infections
- immune system cannot function without it
- one of main jobs in endocrine glands: thyroid, ovaries, uterous, breast, prostate
- lack of iodine then cycts begin to form, then nodules, then harder nodules,
then hyperplastic tissue which is precursor to cancer
- cannot have thyroid problems w/o being iodine defficient
- cannot be type-2 diabetic w/o being iodine defficient
- women cannot get poly ovaric syndrome w/o being iodine defficient
- iodine is necessary for thyroid to produce the hormones that activate the
miocardia in our cells
- if miocardia are not activated then go from oxygen respirating metabolism to
a sugar fermenting metabolism which is what produces cancer
forced vaccines
- a violation of human rights
- many contain cancer causing stuff
>>> look up the ingredients of a flu shot <<<
emotions & cancer
recall healing
evox machine works w/bio feedback and voice recognition
premise: every disease has an emotional component
fear is common for cancer patient
patient s/b skeptical of what oncologist says
- cancer takes 8 to 12 years to develop to detectible stage
- if doctor says you are gonna die if you dont do surgery and chemo and radiation
stress diminishes the immune system
- it increases your cortasal
- which suppresses your immune system
- which depletes your melatonin, vit-C, niacin
- cronic stress will deplete your vital nutrients
a negative thought can kill you faster than a bad jerm
home from work w/a headache, dog happily greets you, headache gone
blood pressure can drop just from petting your dog
healing w/thought
- cases of people visualizing cancer going away and it goes away
pick a substance that copies the onus
- not one that opposes it
- e.g., for someone that has scarlet feaver, take beladona because
taking beladona wdill make your face all bright red, throat sore, high temperature
and feel horrivle, so taking beladona is like having scarlet feaver
so a good remedy for scarlet feaver, called like-q-is-like
- so you are looking for a memic to cure the disease
- taking an asprin to lower temperature is an opposing idea, not what this is about
- 1st: identify something that copies your illness
- then dilute it, this is called potentization'
- dilute it 1 in 10, then again, then again,..., and after 12 dilutions
you have passed the Avagadro number so we know there is no beladona left
- but if you hook it up to a spectrographic transmitter you find the more you
dilute it the more it starts transmitting energies
take substances from mineral,plant,animal kingdoms and create a "mother substance"
catalog symptoms of taking each "mother substance"
e.g., take venom of bee, it can reverse symptoms of things like that or exactly that
e.g., for a toxic substance that you would never use, like mercury,
and convert into a homeopathic form that is non-toxic to facillitate the
detoxification of mercury for instance
a patient w/brain cancer under went chemo, chemo stopped because patient's condition was
worsening; patient was told condition is terminal and recommended hospice, went to
homeopathic doctor,cancer gone, went back to oncologist who said a miracle recovery that
was probably a delayed result of the chemo... riiiiiight...
if it doesn't make sense then it's nonsense
laughter is the best medicine
my notes on episode-6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A
German Cancer Clinic
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-6
 ... thetruthisnotforallmen
research the following if you like:
no disease can exist inside a clean body
1) clean the colon
- coffee enimas
- colon hydrotherapy
- herbal supplements
- sillium
- caskera segrata
- betonite
- slippery elm bark
- buck thorn
- humic acid
- daily gentle detoxification
- daily clensing tea
2) urinary tract
- parsley
- asperagras
- marshmellow root
- lots of water
liver and kidney main body detoxification systems
3) liver
- tumeric
- milk thistle
- root vegetables
- beats
- ginger
- burdock
for quick clean, use the extracts
clensing can be done in conjunction w/any other doctor program
cleansing morning shake for gentle liver cleans:
* DAY 1:
- juice of one lemon
- juice of one lime
- can ad orange
- 1 cup of water
- ice cubes
- 1TbSp olive oil
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 chunk of ginger
* Day 2:
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 TbSp olive oil
* Day 3:
- 3 garlic cloves
- 3 TbSp olive oil
* Day 4:
- 4 garlic cloves
- 4 TbSp olive oil
* Day 5:
- 5 garlic cloves
- 5 TbSp olive oil
* Day n:
- 5 garlic cloves
- 5 TbSp olive oil
note: add cinnamon for added flavor
note: parsley will kill garlic breath
that, along with carrot salad, beet salad, potassium broth soup, beet juice drink and
a greed juice drink, and can add salads and soups but should be an all vegetable week
dark green leaffy vegetables
juice beet, then use pulp in salad; likewise for carrot, then
eat couple table spoons of beet salad throughout the day; carrot salad can eat all at once
2 kidneys
1 liver
100 lymph nodes
lymph nodes:
- cats claw
- pardiaco
- burdoc root
- essiac formula
deoderant ok, anti-perspirant is bad
5: parasite cleans
a six week process
- black walnut hull from the green hull
- american worm seed
- episote
- worm wood
- clove
- kamala
- bromaline
can be done in conjunction w/any/all other treatment programs
6: heavy metal cleansing
Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O. in North Carolina
where growth stops decay steps in
Ensure (sugar and cream), like gasoline on a fire for cancer
Dr Buttar's 5 step protocol for treating disease
1) Detox
2) physiological optimization
3) immune modulation
4) target acquisition
- Autogenous Antigen Reception Specific Oncogenic Target Acquisision
- a completely non-toxic vaccine
- made from your cancer cell's DNA so your immune system will attack your cancer
5) maintenance
Colone Germany, Dr Robert Gorter, M.D., Ph.D.
- does total body hypertherapy
infra red light to heat heat outter 2 inches of body which heats the blood running
through there which in turn heats the body internally; (artifically induced) fever
activates the immune system
- ozone therapy
- immune restoration
makes dendidic cells from patient's white blood cells, no side effects or rejection,
these cells recognize damaged cells and cancer cells and kill them.
- electro magnetic field therapy targets cancer cells, e.g., in the lungs, and excites them,
i.e., causes their temperature to rise which causes them to generate lactic acid (3x) which
lowers their ph and so the cell dies.
placebo effect
- if benefit from just the belief then why ridiculed
nocebo effect
- if told gonna die then believe will die and do die
surgery, chemo and radiation are outdated methods of treating cancer
for someone undergoing the surgery, chemo and radiation
s/b boosting their immune system
- cordyceps mushrooms
- ups immunity and oxygen in body by 40%, ATP by 28%, natural killer cells by 400%
- dilates the lung's airways, providing more oxygen to the blood
- cancer thrives in non-oxygen, or, annarobic, environment
- athletes take cordyceps to increase oxygen in their bodies
- increases energy and boosts the immune system
- tincture (drops in water), or in a pill, even infusing it into coffee
- Reishi Mushroom
- Boosts Immune System!
- ups immune system's power
these mushrooms contain beta glucan
will increase white blood cell count, important if undergoing chemo or radiation
things to activate anti-oxident response
- exercize
- resveritrol
- blue berries, grape skins, red wine
- sulpherafrain
- crucifferous vegetables
- broccoli, cabbage (green & purple), collard greens, brussel sprouts
- #1 source in nature: broccoli sprouts, get'm in health food store, put'm on your salad
- curcumin, the active ingredient in tumeric, especially if combine with a little bit of
black pepper and good oils making them fat soluable
- ketetchins
- ECGC, found in green tea, dark chocolate (no sugar in it)
sataki mushroom, miataki mushroom, coreoles (turkey tail) mushroom
- mitigate side effects
- all have beta glucans and polysacarides in them
- also have CLA (conjugated lenolayic acid) anti-inflamatory AND turns on a gene that
regulates blood sugar in insulan, p-bar-gamma
- astragalus (kwan tea) in chineese medicine, ramps up WBC and natural killer cells
that go after cancer and virus cells
- garlic: anti-tumer activity and stimulates the excretion of a lot of toxic chemicals
ibid. for radish and cabbage family vegies which are rich in sulpher which turns on liver
enzymes and interrupt every stage of cancer
- sour krout
- anti-cancer
- healthy bacteria
- pro-biotics
- chemo is 100x stronger than anti=-biotic, kills good bacteria in gi tract
- women with 3 bm / day have lowest reoccurrence rate
- myrr
chemo brain
- can't think straight, cant remeber where keys are, how to put dishes in dishwarsher
- may wear off, usually not
- chemo can get past the blood/brain barrier
- curcumin... kills cancer cells... get some
my notes on episode-7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight &
Combining Superfoods
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-7/
- THEN WATCH 1:12:35,...,1:15:35 AND 1:13:36,...,1:15:48
 ... duringtimesofdeceit
research the following if you like:
HRT analysis
- high resolution mognification of 65Kx of small blood sample, couple of drops
- receals cancer, and, cellular imbalance that can become cancerous
- allows catching early, like 5 yrs in advance, before it becomes a tumor
- budwig diet, mix:
- cottage cheese, prefferably low fat,
- amt not important, just so can mix and not see oil anymore
- flax seed oil, 2 TbSp
- add to your salad if you want it salty
- add sweet fruit if you want to make a desert
- scientific principal discovered by Dr Otto Warburg
- cancer cells will not grow in oxygen rich atmosphere
- they need hypoxy to grow
- flax seed oil is used industrially to make quick drying paint
- flax seed oil attracts oxygen
- flax seed oil is difficult to absorb in intestinal tract
- intestinal tract lining and flax seed oil both have neg. charge, so repel each other
- mix well w/pos. charges protein
- sulpher based in this case, then readily absorbed
Dr Felicity corbin Wheeler, had pancreatic cancer
- did Gerson therapy
- colonix & detox
- B-17, got from Mexico from Dr Francisco Contreras
- go bare footed and walk on grass or wet sand to "earth" your self
no side effects on these treatments; many side effects w/chemo & radiation
cancer can still grow even w/best immune system
cancer does not depend on one issue, immune system on its own is not enough,
food on its own is not enough, good emotions on their own are not enough...
do everything simultaneously
e.g., just correct immune system and not the rest
then the rest will just end up ruining the immune system again
detoxify but not nutritional part and other things, will get toxify again
do everything simultaneously
- detoxification, nutrition, supplementation, especially with budwig diet
Dr Leigh Erin Connealy M.D.
GCMath - Mathrofague Activating Factor
mathrofagues: the pacmen of the immune system
virus and cancer cell make an enzyme called nagalace which poison the mathrofagues
and inhibit them from attaching the bad cells
nagalace can be measured in patience's blood in a lab in the netherlands
nagalace indicates where immune system is, s/b less than one
used to measure autism, alzheimers, heart disease, cancer, cronic disease
can make gcmath yourself in a probiotic, in a yogert
- not from yogert on the shelf, got to get starter cells
- get starter cells and make your own gcmath in a yogert
- or use a probiotic sepository called Bravo Probiotic
Hyperberick treatment
- 2.5x atmospheric pressure in a chamber to cause oxygen to disolve into liquid easier,
viz., blood which creates a healing mechanism
- causes healing
- oxygen essential element to sustain life
- also absolute necessary product for healing
- w/o it develop necrosis (greek word for death)
- cellular death can occur if deprived of oxygen
- drastic wounds from dibeties or other causes
- grade 2 wound (pretty bad), can be saved 90% of the time
core of the cancer is hypoxic, low oxygen environment,
- angiogenesis - creates it own blood supply
oxygen can make chemo and radiation work better
- ultra violet light Rx
- infrared light in your vein
- known to be a disinfectant
- kills bacteria, fungus, virus in the blood
- important for infection
- many cancers have their root in one of these
- we are designed to be exposed to the sun
- good for bone disease, heart disease, cancer w/adequate Vit-D levels
- reduce cancers by 50% when you have adequate Vit-D levels
- take supplement, ok but not ideal way to get it
or ideally
- outside w/very little clothing in the sun
- sun converts a cholestrol precursor to Vit-D
- Vit-D gets transferred and converted in your body to active metabaloids
- an epigenetic influencer; magic is it activates 10% of our genes
Uv-C - seldom comes down because blocked by the upper atmosphere
Uv-A - the dangerous rays, the one that causes cancer
Uv-B - the one that causes our body to make Vit-D
sun screens: block Uv-B and let Uv-A through, so, increase rate of skin cancer!
cells contain light, diseased cells not so much, cancerous cells virtually dark
1st step of treatment s/b to flood the body w/light
- take fresh organic foods; sunlight is accumulated in the greens and fruits
- when eat this we take the light out of it
- wheat grass has high chloraphyl content similar to our blood
- chloraphyl which has magnesium atom at center of the molecule
- our blood has iron atom at center of the molecule which makes it attach to oxygen
which makes it turn red when exposesd to oxygen
- new study shows eating wheat grass puts captured sunlight into the body
winter tonic, a powerful blood builder
- beets, anti-aging food
- carrots
- celery
- wheat grass shot (2 oz)
living fuel supper greens
- whole meal supper fuel
- upgrade to living fuel for 2 weeks
- book: the seven golden keys
clinic needs to address diet + hormones + mind/psycology/support
chernoybl group of people who did not get cancer because of the spring mineral water
- get enough water into a cell so it functions optimally
- enables body to function better
- virus can multiply easily in a dehydrated cell, not so in a hydrated cell
MRET Water Molecular resonance effect technology
- water treated w/electro magnetism similar to earth's magnetism
- if treated so then can enter cell 3x faster than regular water
- 10K molecules of water to 1 molecule of protein in the body
- better hydrates cells, AND, inhibits cancere growth
molecular hydrogen enriched water benefits cancer patients
cancer or any injury, voltage drops, so, Pulse PEMF good to do before any treatment
- pulsating electromagnetic energy fields
- Yuri Gigan soviet astronaut in 1hr48min outside reach of earth's magnet pulses,
- had severe bone loss to the point of osteoperosis
- decreased metabolism
- loss in perception
- and depression which affected him for the rest of his life
- suicide at 37
- exposure to PEMF
- increases bone density
- increase perception
- increase metabolism
- inbcrease a sense of well being
- cancer operates at lower voltage; PEMF ups voltage and makes cancer unhappy
- low frq EMF is actually beneficial
- similar to earth's magnetic poles pulses
- FDA approved for brain cancer, interrupts cancer cell division
cell phone electric radiation, cell towers, wifi, etc
MRET device for cell phone
- similar to MRET water machine
- man made electrical fields shut down cell membranes
- generates low intensity noise field which is supperimposed on man made uWaves
- so like a mask to the uWave signal to the cell membrane
- direct correlation between cell phones and brain cancer
terminal case of liver & pancreas
lemon 1st thing in the morning
juicing green leafy vegies + apple * ginger to make taste better
organic veg box delivered each week
no milk, dairy products, no white bread, yes ancient grain bread
appricot kernals
- say you will have naseus and migranes and death
- but not their experience
must also address stress in life
1 minute of anger will depress significantly immune system for 6 hours
1 minute of laughter will boost immune system for 24 hours
music in general is therapudic
singing even better, and playing
stress is a killer, music is a healer
- IN PARTICULAR, WATCH 1:12:35,...,1:15:35 AND 1:13:36,...,1:15:48
 ... patrickswayze
my notes on episode-8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with
Micronutrient Therapy
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-8
 ... alltruthpassesthrough
research the following if you like:
doctors matthias rath, M.D. and aleksandra niedzwiecki, Ph.D
dr rath research institute, netherlands
- long term defficiency of micronutrients contributes to the long term development of disease
- cells migrate
- white blood cells
- eggs
- cancer cells (metasisis)
block colegen digesting enzymes
key uNutrients can do that for all types of cancers; inhibit cancer cell growth, proliferation,
tumors, invastion of cancer cells in tissue, metastasis, formation of new blood vessels that feed
the tumor
also works to convert from immortal cells to cells that start dying,
so, induces apoptosis in cancer cells
also anti-inflamatory effect
the list of uNuts:
- vit-C, lysine (inhibitor of colegen digestive enzymes),
anasatosysting, copper, selenium, EGCG from green tea, corsatine
- see details on their website: _________
Book: victory over cancer, free online
Lung cancer, e.g., cured in 6 months
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D; Burzynski Clinic in Houston
anti-neoplastons - link between proteins and amino acids
can cure DPIG brain tumors
colon cancer which spreads to the liver, 3 yrs of survival vs 3 weeks to 3 months
food can be epigenetic (ep-i-ge-net-ic)
eat the rainbow:
blueberries, cale, spinich, carrots, tomatos, persimmins, palmagranets
oregano, tyme, ginger, tumeric, rosemary (contains carnosol, an antip-cancer chemical)
resveritrol, curcumin, ECGC in green tea turn apoptotic switch on so cells, viz., cancer
cells, can die
Dr Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Tahoma Clinic, Washington
...and black pepper
Gerson Therapy
Dr Patric Vickers, D.C. founder Northern Baha Gerson Center in Baha Mexico
- coffee ennama
- 600 to 700% increase in glu...... when do coffee ennema
latril, Vit=B17, from appricot pits, active ingredient is cyanide
- needs to be done in conjunction with hyperthermia to increase effect 7 to 10x
Dr Patric Quillin Ph.D., R.D., C.N.S. Cancer Treatment Centers of America
- works well in enabling apoptosis and eliminating cancer
- cannibus oil, take orally + good diet
dr merkola
- ketogenic diet coupled w/intermittant fasting
- very high in fats, moderate protein, very few carbs
- viz., high quality fats
- avacoto
- coconut oil
- grass fed organic butter
- oilves
- nuts, viz., low protein nuts, viz., macadamia & pecans
- oils
- AVOID proccessed oils, viz.,
- Omega-6 fats/oils which are cancer fuels
- industrial oils
- vegetable oil
- corn oil
- sunflower oil
- safflower oil
- peanut oil
- canola oil
- good oil
- Omega-3
- ALA from flax seed
book: programming your ketogenic diet
don't eat atleast 3 hrs b4 going to bed
- good for normal cells; they detoxify themselves
- bad for cancer cells; they die
- follow fast w/hypothermia
my notes on episode-9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory
- See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/agq-encore/episode-9
 ... yeshallknowthetruth
research the following if you like:
check out this company: Garden of Life
- cured cancer in 40 days on diet
basil cell carsonoma from all the sun exposure over the years
- cured w/"kick'm juice"
- drink b4 workout at the gym
- ginger
- hot peppers
- habanerros
- jalapenos
- tobasco pepper
- and another one (cyanne?)
- chop up the ginger, clean the peppers and chop up
- in ginger pot w/water, bring to boil, then simmer
- after 30 min put peppers in seeds and all
- 10 more min simmer, stop, cool off
- put into blender
- put this "stock" in a jug
- b4 work out, dilute some w/water
- then put celantro in while drinking
- cancer cleared w/n a month
if you have been diagnosed w/terminal cancer
then you still have a 90% chance of survival
- no sugar
- no alcohol
- no white flour
- buy only organic
- make list of cancer fighting food
- garlic
- ginger
= start w/Budwik diet in morning
- lunch w/colorful food, some of which is perhaps yukie
- dinner w/Indian curry
- Dr Mike Farley's "Life Long" mixture
- did this for a month
- the Maringa product
- a product w/amazing amounts of nutrition
Vern Berona's book Nutrous Cancer fighting Foods
- main meal was vegetables cut up
- didn't even use lettuce
- made own dressing
- also juice and blend
- added a few supplements and herbals
- B-17
- beat genetic cancer
- epigenetics
- changing your environment to change your genes
Spiritual, emotional/mental, physical health program
- spiritual first
- if you are desperate enough then you will find God
- believe you are a survivor
- 40 days:
- sauna for 2 hours a day
- 1st week of all raw omniverous diet
- raw food coctails
- fido therapy, or, herbalism
- conventional treatment is easy because no thinking for yourself
Life One product for enhanced immune system support
together with...
Living Fuel
diet change
- cut out all processed foods
- organic chicken, fish, vegetables, salads, fruits
- juice every day, smoothies, nuts, dried fruits
- high doses of Vit-C
- cannibus oil
- Taking Control by Elisia Shardane
- appricot pits?... in tablet form/capsuls
- B-17
- 20KmG Vit-D
another case
- use mistletoe
- and hypothermia, hot water bath
- colonix every day
- wheat grass every morning & afternoon
- do a lot of raw in the beginning
- brown rice ok
- avacodo
- no animal products, dairy
- essential oil therapy
- infrared heating mats
- exercize
- 1st 2 wks
- hard core
- another 2 wks of hard core
- zero cancer
Cancer Crackdown Clinic
- nutritional IVs
my epilogue: Epilogue: Reaching people who need to know before they know they needed to know
- See more at: http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/
Send me an email inviting me to watch a 9 part, 1+ hour long, series on cancer,
its detection, its traditional treatment: surgery-chemo-radiation - its effects and its
success or failure, its alternative treatments - its effects and its success or failure,
and, would I watch? No... I am going to press the delete key. Why? Because I don't need
to know any of that because I don't have cancer (actually, I was unaware of my need to
know and with respect to my currently having cancer - well I don't have any noticeable
or detected cancer... (again)... yet).
Well, that was until now... now that the circumstances are not the circumstances anymore.
The information in this series is not just about successful alternative treatment
but also about prevention!!!
I wish I had this information about a year ago...
- before my brother-in-law died of brain cancer...
- when diagnosed was given 3 months, lasted 6 weeks
- before my step-son's mother-in-law died of brain cancer...
- when diagnosed was given 6 months, lasted 6 months
- before my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer...
- she's had surgery, completed chemo therapy and doing radiation now...
- before I get cancer... again...
I've watched all nine episodes and made notes (for more stuff to read up on) which
I've put on Sharon's website: sharonholder.com/eventpics/2016/160929surgeryday/TTAC.php
(with links to the episodes).
If you're starting the episodes late perhaps the links will still be good...
worst case, you can get all this from the TTAC website (thetruthaboutcancer.com/) and even on amazon.com
The point of this epilogue is that the TTAC message needs to be able to reach people like
me before it's too late.
And, although TTAC - A Global Quest does an outstanding job of presenting facts,
hope for a cure, and alternative methods that DO cure cancer, the problem is that, alllll
of this information is not yet common knowledge, even the availability of the
information is not common knowledge, the result being that someone diagnosed with
cancer is led by their doctor down the standard treatment path.
Why is it too late for me? It's too late for me because it is too late for Sharon, my wife.
Sharon went in to see her doctor some years ago because she had horrible abdominal pain
and wondered if it was a kidney stone or something. Her doctor said "you are obese, loose
some weight and you'll be fine." Sharon's company changed insurance companies resulting in
her seeing a different doctor who said "I don't know anything about you, so, we need to
do a full exam with blood work, etc." When the doctor got the results of the blood work
he called her and told her to pack a bag and go to the emergency room. Turns out she had
a fistula between her bladder and her colon which was allowing feces into her bladder and
urine into her colon and leaking both into her abdomen - surgery was immediate to repair
her bladder and her colon. This doctor and surgeon saved her life! Years later, Sharon
goes in for her mammogram, in August of 2016, wherein a lump was detected; stage II of an
aggressive cancer, her same doctor refers her to the same surgeon for his recommendation
which is surgery and in September the lump and 15 lymph nodes were removed. "Got it all,
and there was none in the lymph nodes, but, as a followup, we are referring you to our
oncologist." The oncologist ran a DNA analysis that revealed the type of cancer that
was removed is a type that is likely to reoccur, but, she can lessen the odds of it
reoccurring by undergoing chemo once a week for 12 weeks followed by 16 days of radiation,
and then if it does not reoccur in the next 4 to 5 years then it probably wont ever reoccur.
After the 2nd chemo treatment she crashed - went to the emergency room, white blood cell
count zero, was given saline IV and massive antibiotics and WBC count still low next week
so skipped 3rd week's chemo, but weeks 4, 5 and 6 were preceded with a self administered
shot to encourage bones to generate more WBCs, then at the 6th chemo follow up exam her
lungs were so affected that the oncologist recommended terminating the chemo, which was done.
Another month has passed while she gains strength, which has gone from could not get out of
bed to having to ride in a getty-go-cart in the grocery store to walking around in the
grocery store to resumption of exercising at the gym 3 days a week, and, radiation to
begin in February.
Sharon and I had both been over weight for years and dieted only somewhat successfully
off and on, and, talked about exercising, and with our weights approaching 250 pounds we
both joined a gym and started exercising three days a week; then we both went onto a
guided diet, viz., IdealProtein.com, a protocol that requires eating only protein,
vegetables, supplements and water (no carbohydrates, no dairy, no sugar, no fruit, no...),
and, yet, with the frequency of meals and the volume required we have NOT felt hungry.
Would you like to know more about this diet?... send me an email: russellholder@earthlink.net.
As you know the body goes into ketosis and begins burning fat on such a diet, and now, 28 weeks into the
program I have lost 65 pounds and am being guided over 4 weeks back into a balanced
glucose/ketose condition with gained knowledge and practice to maintain a good diet; Sharon
has lost 32 pounds, has a ways to go, but both of our meals are very similar now, just that
I can have some fruit and some carbohydrates within the guidelines. And, as was revealed
in the TTAC-A Global Quest series, this has been a good cancer fighting diet since it is
void of the sugar that feeds cancer cells.
Well, Sharon is going through with the radiation. She is a very intelligent, educated and
strong willed person with a "can do attitude" and she believes she can "do it." In the
meantime, I have watched your series and feel most encouraged that by conducting ourselves
as if we have cancer (some of the doctors you interviewed claimed that every one has
cancer cells in their body, it's just that those cells are not eliminated and begin to
multiply in some people) then any cancerous cells we do harbor will be eliminated. In
fact, Sharon has just began taking curcumin supplements, and more to follow as I review
my notes from your series and put together our good foods and supplements diet plan.
Your correspondence of Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:12:09 said "... managers at Kaiser run
hospitals are sending memos that everyone needs to watch 'TTAC: A Global Quest...'"
and I want to know why Sharon's general practitioner, surgon and oncologist made
no mention of this - I AM going to ask!
Ty, THANK YOU for your effort to enlighten everyone and I hope you can come up with a way
to reach hard headed people like me before they or their loved one is diagnosed with a
serious cancerous condition. KF!