Izzy & Lucy... photograph by Russell Holder
10MAY18: Izzy & Lucy
~ Izzy's Life in Review ~
20AUG07 - 14MAY18 - GBNF
(view thethis index without annotation: click here)
~ 2007 ~
Izzy's 1st day at home - 16NOV07...
"Isabella" (of 'Drop Dead Fred'), aka, Izzy, joins the family and will be around to keep Bernie company in our absence!
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 16NOV07... click here
Izzy's 2nd day at home - 17NOV07...
Bernie and Izzy, pals already!
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 17NOV07... click here
Izzy's 3rd day at home - 18NOV07...
Bernie and Izzy, MUD BUDDIES!
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 18NOV07... click here
Izzy - 22NOV07...
Bernie and Izzy... pals...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 22NOV07... click here
Izzy - 24,27.30NOV07...
Bernie and Izzy... pals...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 24,27.30NOV07... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 24,27.30NOV07: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
Izzy - 03,05,07DEC07...
03DEC07/Monday - Bernie and Izzy... pals...
05DEC07/Wednesday - Bernie and Izzy playing tug-o-war...
07DEC07/Friday - Bernie and Izzy... pals... Christmas letter pictures... the "creeping crapper" (Bernie) strikes again... alllll the way down the hall... Haley visits... all pooped out...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 03,05,07DEC07... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 03,05,07DEC07: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
Izzy - 09,10,22,23DEC07...
09DEC07/Sunday - Bernie and Izzy... more tug-o-war... Christmas letter pictures... part 2... this is the one...
10DEC07/Monday - Bernie and Izzy... puppies' nap time...
22DEC07/Saturday - puppies' nap time... with daddy... with mom...
23DEC07/Sunday - Rich & Jill's Sox visits from Boulder Creek...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 09,10,22,23DEC07... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 09,10,22,23DEC07: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
Izzy - 24,25,30,31DEC07...
24DEC07/Monday - Sox's visit... continued...
25DEC07/Tuesday - Izzu (who became to be aka Ms. Barkey Poo) gives the neighbor what for... Bernie brings rope to Izzy to play tug-of-war... Wyatt's visit...
30DEC07/Sunday - Road Trip... San Jose...
31DEC07/Sunday - home on New Years Eve... more tug-of-war...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 24,25,30,31DEC07... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 24,25,30,31DEC07: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2008 ~
Izzy - 05,26JAN08, 09,15,23FEB08...
05JAN08/Saturday - asleep in the hall...
26JAN08/Saturday - hanging out in the family room...
09FEB08/Saturday - hanging out in the family room... Elizabethian Collar... "Why is this thing attached to me?"
15FEB08/Friday - Road Trip to Boulder Creek... mama has a "THREE DOG NIGHT"...
23FEB08/Saturday - Izzy secure in the "seclusion" and "privacy" of her "room"...
- doesn't matter that everyone can see her in her room...
- it's her space and only her space and she's safe in there...
- and this was the case for her whole life...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 05,26JAN08, 09,15,23FEB08... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 05,26JAN08, 09,15,23FEB08: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
Izzy - 23,30MAR08, 20APR08, 23MAY08, 08JUN08, 05JUL08, 02,21AUG08...
23MAR08/Sunday - Road Trip to Boulder Creek...
30MAR08/Sunday - Bernie and her "guard dog"... gamma correction applied to the above photo so you can see what was not so easy to see...
Izzy, not even a year old yet has "assumed the position" that she will maintain for the rest of her life as guard dog; we never really knew for sure what set her off and caused her to
jump up and run around the pool, and in particular, back and forth on the sidewlk next to the fence barking, barking so much that she was also known as "Ms. Barky Poo," so, what set
her off? people walking on the sidelalk on the other side of the fence? people walking and talking on the other side of the fence? people waiting at the bus stop? a kid riding a skate
board on the sidewalk on the other side of the fence? a bird? a lixard? a squirl, a butterfly?...
- usually we never knew what set her off.
... Izzy fournd a potted plant to THOROUGHLY investigate"
(I'm sure Bernie had nothing to do with the potted plant mess)
(Poor Sheryl... she was babysitting the dogs when this happened)
23MAY08/Friday - Bernie and Izzy...
- 27APR08/Sunday - daddy gets a new Nikon (digital) and tests it...
- 23MAY08/Friday - I'm sure Bernie had nothing with tearing up a doggie pillow...
- 24MAY08/Saturday - Roxie visits from across the street...
08JUN08/Thursday - Wyatt visits (RED collar, and SOLID BLACK ALL OVER)...
05JUL08/Saturday - BIG Bar-B-Q & Pool Party...
Izzy knows how to swim, we HAD to verify that...
... and she knows where the steps are, we HAD to verify that...
... ... but... ...
02AUG08/Saturday - dawgs!!!...
21AUG08/Thursday - Izzy, part time chin rest for Bernie...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 23,30MAR08, 20APR08, 23MAY08, 08JUN08, 05JUL08, 02,21AUG08... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 23,30MAR08, 20APR08, 23MAY08, 08JUN08, 05JUL08, 02,21AUG08: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
Izzy - 18OCT08, 08,20NOV08, 03,09,14,25DEC08...
18OCT08/Saturday - Road Trip - Pumpkin Patch and Boulder Creek...
08NOV08/Saturday - Bernie-n-Izzy at home on the couch...
20NOV08/Thursday... Bernie-n-Izzy-n-Sox-n-Wyatt Thanksgvng... Bernie liked getting into the pool... summer OR WINTER!!!... brrrrrrrrr...
this window was CLEAN before everyone got here, but, within 2 minutes... oh yeah... in the pool again... and, this was a comon moneuver for Bernie when the PUPPIES became
too much of a neusiance... get in the pool and they will leave her alone there... dad and Tyler are decorating the tree... Bernie is creeping into the livingroom... inch
by inch... Izzy is being a good girl...
03DEC08/Wednesday - Bernie and Izzy and chew sticks... did I mention that when I gave each of them a chew stick that Bernie would burry hers... which was consisted of
going and putting it in a corner like the corner of the hall by the guest bath... Izzy would then leave hers on her pillow and go get Bernie's... eventually I got to where
I would bring in three!... and when Izzy went and got Bernies then I would give Bernie another one... but... eventually they got so that they were devouring the chew sticks
so fast that they were swallowing chunks of un-moistened with slobber rawhide then having those chunks stuck in their throat and caughing a bunch... and so... we quit
giving them chew sticks and began getting them "donuts" from Petco...
... how about Izzy's "devil eyes" ? ? ?
09DEC08/Tuesday - Bernie and Izzy and Christmas letter photo shoot... this is the one: Bernie and Izzy waiting for Santa...
14DEC08/Sunday - Bernie and Izzy sacked out on the couch...
21DEC08/Sunday - Bernie and Izzy waiting for mama to get out of the shower... Izzy is Bernie's chin rest again...
22DEC08/Monday - Roxie visits Bernie and Izzy...
25DEC08/Thursday - Christmas day...
Bernie, Izzy, Wyatt and Roxie look with contempt at Sox who leaps the gate without correction; Bernie knew the living room was "not her room" but, if nobody was home she would leap the gate to
"bury" bones "rawhides" in the couch...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 18OCT08, 08,20NOV08, 03,09,14,25DEC08... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 23,30MAR08, 20APR08, 23MAY08, 08JUN08, 05JUL08, 02,21AUG08: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2009 ~
Izzy - 11APR09, 21MAY09, 04,13JUL09, 02AUG09, 30OCT09, 28NOV09, 06,25DEC09...
11APR09/Saturday - Road Trip - Santa Cruz... Boulder Creek...
- stop off at grave yard on the way into Sandy Cruz...
- Bernie and Izzy wait in the car while dad and mama pig out at the Miramar... yes... Bernie ended up in mama's seat!
- - zoomed in, and then, gamma corrected for better clarity inside the car...
- and NOW the beach...
21MAY09/Thursday - buddies...
04JUL09/Saturday - sidewalk under construction... Bernie and Izzy make their mark... and walk back to to get their feet warshed...
13JUL09/Monday - front yard and sidewalk completed... Bernie and Izzy made their mark..
02AUG09/Sunday - sleeeeepy puppies...
30OCT09/Friday - Bernie and Izzy close by as dad and mom (Charles Manson and Sharon Tate) get ready to go to ECV Halloween bash...
28NOV09/Saturday - Bernie and Izzy Christmas letter photo shoot...
06DEC09/Sunday - Santa is coming... sooooooon...
- Christmas letter photo shoot #2...
25DEC09/Friday - Christmas day... Bernie and Izzy waiting...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 11APR09, 21MAY09, 04,13JUL09, 02AUG09, 30OCT09, 28NOV09, 06,25DEC09... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 11APR09, 21MAY09, 04,13JUL09, 02AUG09, 30OCT09, 28NOV09, 06,25DEC09: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2010 ~
Izzy - 14MAR10, 05MAY10, 19DEC10...
14MAR10/Sunday - Bernie: dangling toes in pool ("I am NOT in the pool"; Izzy: on guard...
18APR10/Sunday - Bernie and Izzy crashed by the living room gate...
05MAY10/Wednesday - Bernie and Izzy crashed in bedroom...
27JUN10/Sunday - Izzy cant stand to look at the algae infested pool...
19DEC10/Sunday - Bernie and Izzy waiting for Santa...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy on 14MAR10, 05MAY10, 19DEC10... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 14MAR10, 05MAY10, 19DEC10: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2011 ~
Izzy - 2011...
25MAY/Wednesday - Izzy is a lone dog in the house now...
Bernie - 11FEB03-25MAY11 - Gone But Not Forgotten...
... Izzy clearly misses Bernie... Bernie liked squeeky toys and from now on, and, for the rest of Izzy's life,
(interesting that Izzy NEVER forgot Bernie) if you squeeked a squeeky toy Izzy would think (perhaps hope) it was
Bernie who squeeked it and she would come get the squeeky toy to take to Bernie and she would carry it around for
the next 20 or 30 minutes crying because she she couldn't find Bernie... it would be a couple of lonely years for
Izzy (25MAY11 - 09FEB13) before Penny would be here so Izzy would have company when we were out of the house......
24,25,26JUN11/Friday,Saturday,Sunday - Road trip - Friday - Boulder Creek, Saturday - Santa Cruz, and, Sunday -
Capitola for the BIKES ON THE BAY VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW at the Capitola Mall on 41st Street in Capitola...
... Mama and Izzy wait in the shade while dad looks over the bikes, KNUCKLEHEADS in particular...
22JUL11 - Izzy, our "Ms Dainty" (front feet daintly crossed) twisted pup...
27JUL11 - the "Patio Bench Project" - two years in the making - completed...
05AUG11 - well THAT was FUN!!! - while we were out to dinner with neighbors the dogs attacked a mostly full 50lb
bag of dog food... we suspect the neighbor's dog was the primary instigator, but, you see Izzy licking her chops...
30AUG11 - Izzy...
17SEP11 - Izzy and mama watch as dad gets "stuff" ready for a camping trip...
30SEP11 - Izzy DOES NOT LIKE fireworks or thunder... "hides" in a safe place: mama's closet...
06NOV11 - Izzy's comfortable...
... and 11NOV11 and 28NOV18...
04DEC11 - Izzy, "Ms Dainty"...
21DEC11 - the typical fur pile after an Izzy brushing... deffinately the Fur Queen of all of our dogs!
24DEC11 - Izzy on Christmas Eve...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2011... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 14MAR10, 05MAY10, 19DEC10: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2012 ~
Izzy - 2012...
11FEB12: Road trip - Santa Cruz...
08APR12: Road trip - Boulder Creek...
28APR12: watching the pool sweeper...
27MAY12/11:59am: waiting for lunch...
15SEP12: Road trip - Santa Cruz...
... mama takes Izzy for a walk.. and...
... WHOOPS!!! Izzy's collar slipped off!!! WHOA IZZY! IZZY WAIT! IZZY STOP!
19,20,21OCT12: Road trip - Boulder Creek - Rodoni Farms pumpkin patch - and this photo for Izzy's ride home on Sunday...
11NOV12: Roll of film from Nikon-FG developed, contains old photos...
24DEC12: Christmas Eve...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2012... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 14MAR10, 05MAY10, 19DEC10: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2013 ~
Izzy - 2013...
09FEB13: Today "Penny" from Williams came into Izzy's life...
- 8 weeks old today and 16 pounds...
- These pages are dedicated to Izzy, however, if you want to see more photos of Penny then go to:
- http://www.sharonholder.com/eventpics/happytimes/penny/09feb13.php
... Izzy gives Penny a water dribbler lesson... OK... lemme try that...
10FEB13: "Penny" day 2 in West Sac... hi sis...
... BROTHER!!!...
... Izzy's on guard duty... as usual...
... yup... you're my type...
... eyyyy... no telling secrets...
... I'm warning you... watch out for that blue stuff...
... how long do I have to be on guard duty???... fine...
... kisses???...
... I'm claiming all these toys...
... the snow cone squeeky is mine...
10FEB13... 16 pounds and growing... mama... protect me from that nippy puppy...
11FEB13: "Penny" day 3 in West Sac... buddies...
12FEB13: "Penny" day 4 in West Sac...
13FEB13: "Penny" day 5 in West Sac...
14FEB13: "Penny" day 6 in West Sac...
15FEB13: "Penny" day 7 in West Sac...
18FEB13: "Penny" has totally discovered a new chew toy... IZZY!!!...
19FEB13: the assault continues......
... I've had enough, now knock it off...
... the standoff... and... the new offensive...
... don't make me hurt you...
... ... daddy, she won't let me chew on her...
... SAFE!... (Penny can't jump up onto the couch... yet...)
20FEB13: and still... the assault continues...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... "stalking" mode...
22FEB13: bedtime... the assault is over... for now...
23FEB13: lazin' on the pillow...
... the ever vigilent early warning system... on alert... at ease...
... shall we play tug-of-war some more???... so the wars begin, 1st with a litte tug...
25FEB13: the war continues... Izzy has finally accepted the other end of the rope...
..."better Penny chews on the rope than on me" ...
26FEB13: the wild bunch...
27FEB13: life behind the bars...
... and the war continues...
07MAR13... waiting for Uncle Dave... 4:45am... coffee's done...
... 7:30am... Uncle Dave's here... but he's no help for Izzy...
10MAR13... pig meat tonight... waiting... waiting... OH BOY! OH BOY!...
11MAR13: this is MY room!!!...
17MAR13... peeking over the barracade...
... ... Izzy ready to play tug-o-war...
17MAR13: Dani runs the camera...
19MAR13: that's right sister, nothing is sacred anymore... I'll chew on you in here too...
20MAR13: com'on Penny, grab the rope... it's tug-o-war time...
21MAR13: Penny, what are you doing??? are you a Saint or Mountain Goat???...
22MAR13: com'on Penny, grab the rope... it's tug-o-war time...
23MAR13: got to be touching...
... Izzy in her room to be safe from Penny...
24MAR13: Izzy gets Penny to play tug-o-war again... but Penny likes to bite Izzy...
27MAR13: and just what is the meaning of "Guard Saint Bernard" ? ? ?
- well... trespassers can expect to be totally slimed,
drowned in drool, thoroughly licked, extensively sniffed,
leaned on, and, IF you still are not paying attention...
expect to have a 125 pound foot placed on top of your foot...
... not sure what the salesman who rang the doorbell
today thought the sign meant, what with Izzy and Penny
barking so loud it was hard to hear him, especially since
he had backed clear off of the porch to talk...
30MAR13: must be touching...
18APR13... Izzy telling Penny what for... Penny talkig back...
22APR13: Izzy's on break...
23APR13: Izzy's on break... and... ejoying her room...
25APR13: like walruses fighting on the beach...
27APR13: Penny is not real sure about the new addition...
15MAY13: Penny's getting measured...
23MAY13: toungs out...
24MAY13/Friday: both want the nyla-bone...
... and... to the vet... spaying and dew claw removal...
(removed double dew claws on each hind foot (which were not articulated))...
26MAY13/Sunday... ... here... lemme hold it for you... but... you bite me and you're on your own...
27MAY13/Monday... #3 has discivered she can intimidate #2 with her cone...
... so, #2 retreats to her room... indignant #3 starts a barking contest...
13JUN13/Thursday... OFF the bed!!!
13JUN13/Thursday... ROAD TRIP ... Penny's 1st road trip... to Boulder Creek... and...
... she has taken up putting her head on the console like Bernie...
... and... hogging most of the back seat...
... potty break for the girls at Vallejo rest area...
... roll on...
... ... stop at Halted Electronics so Patty can meet Penny...
... Bear Creek Road... put the top down...
... exhasting trip... crashed in the hall...
15JUN13/Sunday... home again... Penny's 1st Frosty Paw...
Would you like to know more?... click here
03JUL13/Saturday... teasing Izzy with Bernies old squeeky toy
(formerly Keno's (from next door) squeeky toy)
16JUL13: daaaaaaaaad... help me
... no where is safe from Penny...
... ... WHAT are you barking at ? ? ?
19JUL13/Friday Penny's sticking her nose in...
20JUL13/Saturday... whose "room" is it???
25JUL13/Thursday... Izzy's resting, Penny's growing...
27JUL13/Saturday... Izzy, Penny, and, Roxi... friends at last...
28JUL13/Sunday... Izzy, Penny, and, Roxi... doing laps around the pool w/Dani...
01AUG13/Thursday... Izzy has a toy?... then Penny must have it...
02AUG13/Friday... Izzy has a toy & Penny wants it... [insert ear piercing bark here]...
02SEP13/Monday... bath day... Izzy 1st, Penny can't stand it that Izzy is getting dryed...
... Izzy peeks in on Penny in the tub...
... air drying... Izzy on bark patrol... Penny curious what Izzy's boggle is...
21SEP13/Friday 3:06am...
04OCT13: Rainy day road trip to Oroville to check out client's real estate listing...
12OCT13/Saturday... on the road again...
27NOV13: lumpy dogs at Thanksgiving...
11DEC13/Wednesday... 1 YEAR OLD TODAY!!!... Penny is 101 pounds and still very much a puppy!... the birthday party...
17DEC13/Tuesday... you chew on that end... I'll chew on this end...
20DEC13/Friday... preparing for Petsmart's Advanced Puppy Training graduation tomorrow...
... so, we play "Hat on Head"... Izzy wants to play too...
25DEC13/Wednesday... well... so when do we get our stockings???
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2013... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 4113_4137_4143_4147_4162_4185_4203_4256_4283_4581_4985_5019_5589_6252_6307_6752_7673_9020_8880_7946_5078_5303: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2014 ~
Izzy - 2014...
09FEB14: Izzy and Penny being lumpy on the couch...
13FEB14: Izzy and Penny... buddies...
10MAY14: Mother's Day Road Trip to Santa Cruz, through "the city" (S.F.) and pull over at Nick's Hideaway Restaurant at Rockaway Beach to put the top down...
... and south on Hwy 1... Izzy & Penny watch e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g...
... Santa Cruz, West Cliff Drive... pull over for picnic lunch...
... to the doggie beach... walk Penny to the lighthouse... walk Izzy to the boardwalk...
... Izzy and Penny enjoy the grass in the shade while we visit mom and have chocolate cake....
01JUN14: Izzy and Penny... bbeing lumpy on their beds...
13JUN14: home from Road Trip to Grants Pass, here's Izzy and Penny in the back yard...
27JUL14: dog-day morning...
06AUG14: dog-day morning...
10AUG14: dog-day morning...
12AUG14: evening guard duty...
25SEP14: typical dinner table interest...
25DEC14: Christmas at Mike's in Plascerville... well... Izzy and Penny were there...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2014... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 2014: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2015 ~
Izzy - 2015...
04JAN15/Sunday: Faydra and Ari visit... Izzy doesn't want to be ignored...
... oooooo... feels good... don't stop don't stop...
30JAN15: Izzy and Penny out back on a winter's day...
25FEB15/Wednesday: Stitch visit... an 8 week old tea-cup chi-wa-wa...
08,09,10MAY15/Friday,Saturday,Sunday: to Boulder Creek for Mother's Day weekend...
... 09,10MAY15/Saturday: to cemetery in Santa Cruz to visit Shirley (Sharon's mama)...
... then - stop on West Cliff Drive in Sandy Cruz for lunch and ocean sight and sound...
... ... and here's MikeS, retired U.S. Marshall... Izzy is really giving Mike the stare...
... ... dogs waiting while Mike and I talk...
27JUN15/Saturday... 8:50am... yes, I want the WHOLE bed...
... and so... it's the other Miss Dainty's bed...
02JUL15: at "the inn"... bedtime??? we'll just sleep right here...
- to Boulder Creek for the Hollister Independence Rally...
- Izzy and Penny had crashed in their usual spot beside the bed...
- - but... we're up, so Penny has taken advantage of a softer surface
... out for a drive... where else?... West Cliff Drive in Sandy Cruz of course...
... ... yes... Izzy is back there... Penny does take up a LOT of room...
... there's Izzy...
... and... back at "the inn"...
16JUL15/Thursday: Izzy and Haley...
07SEP15/Thursday: Izzy...
13SEP15: lazy good for nothing flea bags...
17OCT15: Stop by the Iron Steed Harley-Davidson of Vacaville Passport Finale, Tools of...
... Triumph Tour, Old Iron Bike Show on our way to Boulder Creek to do the annual...
... pumpkin patch outting...
17NOV15: Remove living room carpet and replace with wood flooring...
... crowded quarters for puppys...
06DEC15: Izzy, a.k.a. "Ms. Dainty"...
12DEC15/Saturday: lazy good for nothing flea bags...
13DEC15: testing new Cannon Elf170 digital camera...
... and a few mama took with her phone...
23DEC15: touring the "Fabulous Forties"...
26DEC15: puppys waiting...
30DEC15/Wednesday: winter day guard duty...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2015... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 2015: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2016 ~
Izzy - 2016...
02JAN16/Saturday... waiting for more Christmas "candy"...
12FEB16... on the way down to Boulder Creek to attend San Jose Harley-Davidson's Bloody Valentines Day celebration we stop on West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz... where's Izzy?... she's laying down...
15FEB16... on the way home stop at the dog friendly full service microbrewery and restaurant at 39176 Argonaut Way in Fremont: Jack's Brewing Company: jacksbrewingcompany.com...
May 03 2016, Monday night at 944pm... Penny has a bee sting fat lip...
May 07 2016, a couple of photos posted to facebook...
May 13 2016, Mother's Day...
June 08,9,10,11 2016, Road Trip to Boulder Creek for Tyler's 5th grade graduation ceremony...
- stop at the Vallejo rest area to potty the girls...
- view in the rear view mirrow was obscurred with brown, black, white fur on the drive down to Boulder Creek...
- dogs in the back on the ride home...
July 26 2016, Izzy and Penny visit the veterinary clinic...
August 05 2016, road trip to Santa Cruz with new pop-up sun shade...
... ... Princess and her puppies on the beach WITH blue sky... as usual . . .
... here Izzy is are relaxing in the sand and watching the waves and waiting for Penny to return from her walk down to the lighthouse . . .
September 06 2016, new beds for the dawgs...
October 17 2016, time to clean Penny's ears... a job Izzy does regularly...
... in fact, Izzy has been observed with her paw across Pennys nose to hold her still while cleaning...
October 20 2016, Day 8 of the Master Bedroom - Office - Bathroom remodel...
... Oleg on bathroom tile installation continued...
... ALL furniture and closet contents have been moved into the family room, dining room and
living room makinhg for cramped quarters for all...
October 21 2016, Day 9 of the Master Bedroom - Office - Bathroom remodel...
... Oleg on bathroom tile installation continued...
... 1240hrs, meanwhile... Izzy & Penny supervise pool maintenance...
... 1630hrs, cramped quarters continue...
October 26 2016, Day 12 of the Master Bedroom - Office - Bathroom remodel...
... installation of bedroom/office floor tile...
... 1000hrs, noooow evvvvvery thing else is out of the bedroom/office and into the familyroom/kitchen...
... poor cramped puppies......
November 01 2016, Day 17 of the Master Bedroom - Office - Bathroom remodel...
... move STUFF back into bedroom/office...
... 1000hrs, noooow evvvvvery thing else is out of the bedroom/office and into the familyroom/kitchen...
... poor cramped puppies...
November 24 2016, Thanksgiving in Boulder Creek this year . . .
... waiting for dinner time... tic tic tic...
... watch the National Dog Show while waiting...
... sooooooooooon...
December 06 2016, 5:32pm, another ear cleaning for Penny...
December 20 2016, waiting for Santa... tic tic tic...
December 29 2016, 12:21pm, the day before the day before New Years eve...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2016... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 2016: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2017 ~
Izzy - 2017...
JAN 02 2017/Monday at 5:41pm... Penny is getting her ears cleaned... whether she likes it or not...
JAN 08 2017/Sundayat 3pm... PETSMART...
- Izzy spends 2 hours with a Petsmart groomer, defurrioring, bath, blow dry, brush...
... yes the white clumps of fur on the floor are some of Izzy's fur...
... Penny spends a couple hours doing heel, right turn, left turn, stop...
... 4:34pm, fluffy Izzy relaxing by the kitchen table...
February 12 2017 at 9:49pm...
22MAR17: Spring time, roses in Izzy's color... are you looking at me???...
April 25 2017 at 4:47pm... guard duty...
28,29,30APR17: Boulder Creek, Jack's Eagle Court of Honor...
- Saturday... take the dogs for a walk, pink is Izzy's color...
- Sunday...
May 29 2017 at 4:18pm... Willow visits...
- OH NO, PLEEEEEASE don't come in here... WHEW!!! that was close...
02JUN17: Boulder Creek, Jack's graduation...
06JUN17. 09:21am - another ear cleaning session...
16,...,29JUN17: Boulder Creek / Santa Cruz to keep an eye on Richard's place while he's away on a Princess Alaska Cruise...
... 24UN17: nice day for a cruise with the dogs, top down...
... 9 to 35 to 84 to Herb's to 1 to Gram Hill Road to 9...
... 26UN17: meanwhile back at the ranch, dogs go in and out and in and out... to bark at...
29JUL17 0701pm - another use of Izzy's room...
20,21,22OCT17 - Road Trip: Boulder Creek for the annual pumpkin patch weekend...
- Friday, 20OCT17: Leisurly ride down the coast highway from Pacifica to Santa Cruz then highway 9 to Boulder creek... of course it was a "blue sky day" because Princess was there...
- In the parkinglot at Nick's at Hideaway Beach in Pacifica checking out the waves and putting the top down and putting harnesses on the dogs for the drive south
Saturday - 21OCT17: a day at the beach with the puppies, and a visit to mom
... hi mom...
15DEC17 - Global Winter Wonderland at California State Fairgrounds
... go ahead... we'll guard the house while you're away...
24DEC17 - Christmas Eve... Izzy and Penny wait for Santa...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2017... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 2017: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ 2018 ~
Izzy - 2018...
January 17th, 2018, Wednesday at 1pm... PETSMART...
- Penny helps Jamie by showing Camri, a Petsmart trainee from the Citrus Heights store,
what the CGC test looks like and by simulating parts of the 6 week Advance class
- Izzy got to go this time (Ms. Cranky Pants, a.k., Ms. Barky Poo, normally doesn't get to come
to Petsmart when Penny goes for testing other dogs or training new trainers because takes exception
to some other dogs and people but since no other dogs are being tested today she got to come)
- Izzy watches as Jamie touches a Penny's ears, mouth, feet...
- Izzy watches as Penny meets and greets a stranger...
- Izzy watches as Penny demonstrates loose leash walking...
- more training under Izzy's protective eye...
- Izzy watches STAND (from SIT)...
- now the new trainer tries training Penny to STAND (from SIT)...
- ... thank you very much... you're very welcome... Izzy's ready to go home...
19,...,30JAN18: Las Vegas Road Trip to attend the Mecum 28th Annual Vintage and Antique Motorcycle Auction...
... and... 29JAN18 Monday Work out at gym & dojo, process photos and create display code...
... and... 30JAN18 Tuesday Work out at gym & return SUV to downtown Avis, continue processing photos and creating display code...
... and... yesterday's work ran into the weeee hours of this morning...
11FEB18/0730pm: someone squeeked a squeeky toy... Izzy heard it... figures it was Bernie who squeeked it...
comes to see Bernie... can't find Bernie... finds the squeeky toy... gets the squeeky toy and looks for Bernie...
[WHINE]... looks some more... [WHINE]... looks some more... [WHINE]... have you seen Bernie?... [WHINE]...
I'll just put her toy in my room for safe keeping for now...
16MAR18/0130pm: Penny wants to go (where?)... Izzy working up to hiding (in mama's closet)...
26APR18/0430pm: Izzy & Penny...
- notice the lump on Izzy'w right front leg... bone cancer... like her predecessor, Bernie... for some time,
in addition to the daily fish oil pill (for her soft fur) she was also taking coucosimine for her joints, and
after a while she was also perscribed Rovera, a pill that addressed joint pain; she still limped, but seemed
to be more comfortable walking. Several weeks ago we noticed a lump on her right front leg and after an x-ray
examination she was diagnosed with bone cancer and the only reasonable solution at this point in he life was
to make her as compfortable as possible for her remaining days and so the narcotic Tramadol was added to her
pill regiment... seems "comfortable"... considering...
10MAY18: Lucy arrives and Izzy mothers her same as she mothered Penny...
12MAY18: Lucy plays around...
13MAY18: Izzy likes Lucy, Lucy likes Izzy...
15MAY18: Izzy was euphanized today brought on by a spontaneous flipped stomach, a mixed blessing, she's no
longer with us (and we knew her days were numbered) and she wont suffer continued increasing pain as her cancer
continues to grow up and until we decide that the pain medication is no longer giving her enough comfort...
16,17,... Penny does "guard duty" alone now...
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy in 2018... click here
view pictures of Izzy - 2018: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ Epilog ~
Izzy - epilog...
14MAY18: Izzy was 10+ years old and already a little slow getting up (unless...
On the 14th of May we took her to the vet hospital at 12:30pm for an...
Doctor Rasmussen who was Izzy's doctor of record at the veternary hospital...
Sharon's email for family and friends...
Our guard dog, protector, loving, trusting, friend for over 10 years...
Spring and fall were nice times for a dog with a heavy fur coat to sit...
Izzy had a lot of favorite places to lay, like the recliner couch, "her room," her pillow...
At night, when it was bed time, Izzy would come into the bedroom on my side...
Izzy's 14MAY18 evening meds waiting for her to be not so barfy so she could...
. . . Izzy's bunny that she carried around from room to room (we suspect to give to Bernie...
And now at night, when it is bed time, Penny comes into the bedroom on my side...
Rest in peace Izzy, we love you.
View ALL of the pictures of Izzy's epilog... click here
view pictures of Izzy's epilog: click here... photograph by Russell Holder
~ our K-9 family members ~
Bernie - 11FEB03-25MAY11 - GBNF
- View .pdf file of the Life and Times of Bernie
- View .html file of Bernie's life in pictures
Izzy - 20AUG07 - 14MAY18 - GBNF
- View annotated index of pictures of the Life and Times of Izzy,
view index of pictures of the Life and Times of Izzy
View pictures of Penny - 11DEC12 - present...
View pictures of Lucy - 09MAR18 - present...
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